Sunday, March 17, 2013


A friend was just mentioning her giveaway where it cost her $60 to mail one winner in Europe her prize. I had to laugh...
I had a giveaway of this phantom, or clear chair some time ago and the winner never contacted me. I was surprised there was no response.

Then I got an email. Melissa Pikaar had Googled herself many months later and found out she had won my giveaway. So I recently sent it to her and she sent me this picture of her prize. Look how the colors are reflected throughout the plastic! Thank you Melissa.

Isn't the internet amazing, fun, and comical at times?

And let me take this time to wish everyone a happy Spring and Happy Easter inspired by her photo. CM

Update: So I was showing my Little Assistant this photo pointing out the wonderful color reflection in the chair leg and she was so enamored with the little Robin and Bunnies. Thanks again Melissa


Drora's minimundo said...

It's amazing how high postage fees are.
Happy Spring and Happy Easter to you too.
Hugs, Drora

Drora's minimundo said...

It's amazing how high postage fees are.
Happy Spring and Happy Easter to you too.
Hugs, Drora

The grandmommy said...

yes, they can be high. $60 is a lot!
Glad your winner got her prize.

My Realitty said...

Hi Drora, Grandmommy, I only had to send it to LA. Easy. CM

Neomig said...

Hi There Generous lady!
I'll never forget your giveaway to me - that lovely green chair and food basket. Overall you gave me an intro to the mini world!
Many Thanks

My Realitty said...

Hi Neomig, Now that you have been around the mini block what are you up to. XOXO C