Sunday, September 25, 2011

Modern Dollhouse: Creativity with the MH!

The MH1 is easy to play with. Not just for carrying around but for reconstructing any way you want! Above I added an antique Triang facade from #50 that had been ruined and I had spray painted stainless steel in 2009. Also a piece of glass and the top to a conservatory. I have more pictures on my modern design blog but for the moment will show a little more about the triang hack  than on the other blog.

               Before: ruined steel Triang facade, horribly over painted

                   During: sanding off old paint

After: in 2009 when I did this I thought it might be a shock to the Triang Neighborhood. (The house on the left with the apalled brunette neighbor is the actual replacement facade in better shape.) I have to explain because my sentiments on destroying, or making that change to any antique Triang requires explanation.

                       After, added to the MH1

I expanded the interior using vintage German linnoleum from a kitchen roombox, and a rug made from Silpat. Yes dear, that's why it disappeared...

Tomy vintage spraypainted sink
At times I filled in the open space out to the support and added a kitchen.
And the MH1 inspired this masterpiece from Pubdoll.

Made from Legos, no less!
She gave me permission to send you to her blog for more information about this structure and her work with legos.

So the MH1 leads to all kinds of creative formations! Thanks Wes, CM


Rick said...

Your dollies look mortified!! :)

My Realitty said...

I'm SURE they are thinking, "There goes the neighborhood!". CM