Retro styleDDR chair, lamp, Tomy rubber plant, Bozart sculpture. Retro style.
DDR bedroom set from German ebay, minimodernista screen and pillow, Strombecker floorlamp.
I am visiting a friend for a few weeks and will not return until after Thanksgiving.
Instead of blogging about the I house I am offering the following.
Like the "What kind of doll house are you, anyway?" Quiz
(See it here: )
I offer a new quiz to determine
"But what KIND of modern style are you, exactly?"
Answer the following questions and find out. There will be one question per post for the next 4 posts.
First Question.
You'd rather read:
1. On the Road by Jack Kerouac (again)
2. Cat's Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut
3. The Help by Katheyn Stockett
4. The Paris Wife by Hadley Richards
5. My Hollywood by Mona Simpson
Give yourself 1 point for the first answer, 2 for the second, etc.
DDR German furniture in the MH1 Reac green chair, Imagination house art, Texas tiny African mask. Bozart urns. Minimodernista pillows.
Update: OK we had another 3.2 jolt yesterday... As long as they are small I don't mind...