Update: This was the first time the Little Assistant saw the Petite Princess house. She is in love.
My daughter thought I was giving her child lots of hugging when they left but actually I was frisking her...Patting down her pockets.
An added treat was meeting my renter and her new puppy, no that is not redundant, one of the Little Assistant's friend has a lab puppy and she said really it hadn't learned ANY manners yet as it kept trying to knock her down, even though it was not as new as this NEW puppy. Well, that's the word from Puppyland, anyway.
I call this the "Greenhouse" though it is really just a covered part of my back deck. Like I call the utility room under my garage "The Trellis room". Personally having seen it, I think Call Small should call her utility room "The Design Lab" as that is what it looked like to me.
Cheers CM
Que hermosa "Assistant"!
Un abrazo
I LIKE it! "Design Lab"! Quite the euphemism!
Gracias Rosamagarita, esta mi corazone. My Spanish is poor and once I tried to tell a friend in Spanish that my daughter was sleeping, and it turned out I kept saying she was sad. They gave me a wary look. C
Hi Call Small, I have your swatches set aside before the big Bay Area Mini Rumble. I still think it was hilarious Susan and I rushed off and Colette and Daphne were just habging out in one of your houses! C
Your Greenhouse looks perfect! Love it! :)
Hi Kikka, it is actually the perfect place for a little green frog to visit on a sunny day.
I`ll keep that in my mind, sounds perfect.. :)
Wouldn`t it be fun to be able do some sunny day meetings ...
Your little assistant is so cute, and visiting you must be such a thrill for her with all your dollhouses and furniture. I had to laugh when I read about her astonishment over the American Seals killing Bin Laden! (Yeah, Seals!)
And laughed more when I read about you frisking her, probably very wise :-)
And also too funny with William and Kate's flowergirls being tired of all that cheering! A really great shot!
Hi Pubdoll, I had to laugh at the flower girl picture because the 2nd time my little assitant was a flower girl she RAN as if terrorized down the aisle to the front even though she walked perfectly in rehearsal. C
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