Seen on ebay.What is this? Am I behind the times? Have I had my head in German ebay too long? Is this from the show? A social comment? Do little girls buy these to improve their scenes? "Honey, Mommy bought you this, your arrangements need a little help?????" Do they get to demolish walls. (don't tell ANYONE, I do) Let me know. C
I saw a house and a masterbedroom on ebay sold separately sponsored by abc co. (the television company).Plastic. Not sure of the scale.Couldn't see the manufacturer, I'd love to create my own version of the show...hmmmm
Ha, ha, so funny!
Poor little girls :-)
I saw a house and a masterbedroom on ebay sold separately sponsored by abc co. (the television company).Plastic. Not sure of the scale.Couldn't see the manufacturer, I'd love to create my own version of the show...hmmmm
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