Well, I searched for an appropriate turkey for the Celluloid family and this is what I found. I think it is "Loving Family" which sounds good for Thanksgiving. Are those cranberries or yams around it? Love the Blue plastic platter with the raised motif on the rim. It is an heirloom from Mrs. Celluloid's family, the Ebays.

The maid joins the family at the table for the feast.
Truly no dollhouse meal would be complete with out a German plaster cake!
Mother gives Floyd the eye for showing up at the table with his helmut on and carrying a football. Lloyd says, "oh let him wear it", Boyd gigles, and Floyd wisely remains silent.
Oh yummy... A plastic turkey. Cute, Cute, Cute! Hope we both get better than plastic food in a couple days. YEAH! Happy Grateful Day
Well... as my assistant is cooking, I know there will be yams at least. I saw a can. C
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