It was so wonderful to talk with someone who shares mini passion!
It was kind of like talking with you guys.
I put out some of my favorite DDR German furniture and my daughter laughed when she saw it and said, "When you said you had a friend coming over I didn't know you meant to PLAY".
We did and it was fun. She made a scene in the MH1 house and we both photographed it.
She is a web designer and she had a lot of good information for me about my blog.
She was quoted in the recent NYT article about mini modern furniture and is beginning her own design studio. She created these purple modern lamps. You know the lack of lighting accessories in mini modern design, how creative are these pictured in the header?
Thank you for coming Mini, come any time... and let me just tell you, she is NO dork! CM
Thank you for coming Mini, come any time... and let me just tell you, she is NO dork! CM
That is wonderful, glad you got to have a play date. :) The lamps are very cool.
Isn't you next play date in Singapore? C
Yeah! totally forgot about that for a minute. ;) Think Sans will let me play with her toys, I mean minis?! ;)
She seems like the kind that plays nicely with others, to me. CM
Lucky you (and her)! I am jealous of your playdate! Glad you guys had fun!!
I was a gas to share all mini schemes and dreams! You're invited too, be bicoastal! Cheers, C.
I can imagine all the fun you had, my kids are dead bored with me babbling about my houses and I guess that some of my friend will be also :D
Those lights are fab, it's really difficult to find nice ones to a modern setting.
It was so much fun playing with all of your toys! ;) We definitely have to do it again sometime soon. I'm thrilled you like the lamps. I adore the couch and chair and will use it in my dream black and white room in the new house. All the best, M.
So nice to see and read how much fun you two had! Mini Dorks lamps were fabulous, very inspiring too! Looking forward to read her post too :-)
"When you said you had a friend coming over I didn't know you meant to PLAY".... Hehehe soo funny!
Great meeting of you both, I would have loved to be there, too! It would be so fantastic if we all could meet, but unfortunately the most of us live to far apart!
Hi Merry,It was a blast! My kids are older, so one listens politely then her eyes glaze over, which is unfair because I can't tell you HOW MANY times she talked about SEX IN THE CITY plots to me while she was a teenager! The other actually tries to take over the scene which isn't good either. And my assistant looks at me and says,"I want a cookie". C
Hi Pub! Looks to me like your parties rock at your blog, as I told you all my dolls want to hop the next plane to attend! C
Well Puppilottchen, then thank heavens for these blogs because I feel like you all invite me right into your homes and share your fun with every post. C
Glad your Play date went happily :-) I like the modern houses.
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