Phillipe is excited to be going to the New Mexico Territories. He is happy to wed Carolena, who is sixteen, as she is carrying his child.
Carolena's father is sick with worry at the constitution of his new son in law, even if he is from a good family. He worries about his daughter traveling in her condition to the Americas. Carolena's mother is relieved she is not going to have a grandchild out of wedlock.
"Champagne, anyone" offered Amelia.
Lovely bride, now I know why the puffy gown. No one can tell there is just the slightest hint of a bulging tummy.
Hmm, the plot thickens, as will her waistline.*sips tea while waiting for next episode.
*tapping feet
Ha ha! The poor father he looks so sad. Must throw back champagne quickly. C
Pobrecita, 16 años, y ya espera un hijo.
El esposo lo encuentro un poco mayor para ella. ja,ja,ja.
Un abrazo Carmen
Daddy does look a bit peeved At least a scandle has been avoided :-D
Si. Que lastima! Something bad might happen to Phillipe in New Mexico. Maybe he will be attacked by Apaches? Maybe bit by a rattlesnake... His karma seems very bad. C
Juliet, she is young but speaks Spanish. He is a cad. When they get to the New Mexico Territories there will be no clubs and theaters and most people will speak Spanish which Phillipe does not. I wonder what is instore for him? CM
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