The butler and kitchen maid began organizing the packing for the Hacker expedition to the New Mexico Territories.

Really... "

They decided on rugs, bed linnens, a gilt clock and an old silver set given to Carolena as a wedding present by her father. Would it be useful in New Mexico where they were headed?

Old Mr. Hacker hid his grief at his younger son's departure and that he would never meet his coming grandchild.
"Brandy, anyone?" suggested Amelia.
Mary Pernula asked me which house I like best. The Wes Christensen Modern House 1. It is the best to play with. It contains my alter ego, "Colette". I just got a new flat screen tv for it but haven't had time to post about it. It was a deal for $3.00.
I am VERY fickle about my houses. As this hobby spanned 20 years (at least) not including my childhood I have been through many phases. Right now it is modern and German DDR furniture I have the most fun with.
She also asked where I find most of my items. I used to go to miniature shops and use catalogs. Now I love looking online. I LOVE etsy, and swaps with friends. Thank Heavens for German ebay.
One of the funny things I've found about doing a dollhouse a month is I feel I have to give it it's due so I am probably posting too many pictures of each, but eh... what's a mother to do? You can't favor one child over another. Thank you for asking. XO CM
I have to say you are a great story teller and its all very exciting i enjoy reading all about your dollshouses cant wait for more
LOL. Thank you, Rachel. I have to admit that last week I suddenly realized we had to go from the 1820's Germany to a Hacienda so I needed a way to get out West. Thank you Phillipe for being the fall guy. C
Wonderfully entertaining storytelling and 'staging' of your scenes - thanks for sharing it all :)
Thanks Norma, you're a babe! CM
Espero que tengan un buen viaje y se lo pasen muy bien.
Es muy divertido tu blog y tus aventuras en el.
besitos ascension
Gracias y usted. Me gusta tu blog mucho. CM
Great tales. This is the house you have used for your header? Lovely house.
Yes it's the header. I think what I will do is post the new house I am blogging about the first of each monnth then keep it as the header that month. C
lovely story:) I love the pics!
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