I was going to post about the Gottschalk Dollhouse in May but I learned it represents the 1900's.
So instead I will do the Hacienda House which represents the New Mexico territory in the 1850's. That is right before the American Civil War. The fellow in the Diplomatic garb is a Hacker family member who created a scandal and was shipped off to the Americas. His story of his Hacienda and American adventures and follies will be presented next month.

It was hard to take photos of these pictures as the rooms in the Christian Hacker are small. Fortunately each story comes off so I could take some pictures from above.
I just want to let you know how much I enjoy your tour through the different dollhouses.
You surely know of the new book about Christian Hacker?
Yes, I just did not order it in time. It takes 4 weeks to get to California.
I put off doing the Gottschalk house as I do not have any books about it either.
I started this for love of the houses and did not know they were such an esoteric subject! Thanks CM
It is a great stay, the decor is very accomplished
a hug
Es una estancia genial, la decoracion esta muy conseguida
un abrazo
Me encanta, parece que este viendo un documental!!!
Esta muy real!!!
besitos ascension
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