I found this doll on ebay. I bought her and when the package arrived and I opened her she had a surprise in her arms. This baby. Look at the expression on her face.

She is signed on the bottom. Does anyone recognize the maker?

Her clothes are beautifully made, and the baby is gorgeous too. All the hems are hand stiched in the tiniest stitches.
Whoever sold her to me please know she is happy living with these children in the Hacker house. Amelia loves her too! CM
shes really cute.
I'll say than you on her behalf. I forgot to mention, her apron is made from fine antique handkerchief material. C
I don't recognize the maker, but she is a beautiful doll. What luck to have her baby too. I can't wait to catch up with your blog (and do some posts on mine too) now that I am home again. Love the CH house. I am so jealous.
Thanks Shale. I was wondering about Mrs. Flagg. How is she doing? CM & Co.
Fue una gran suerte que encontrara usted esa muñeca, es una joya, me gusta mucho.
un abrazo
It was a great luck that you were finding this wrist, it is a jewel, I like much.
An embrace
Enhorabuena por tu muñeca es un tesoro!!!
besitos ascension
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