What we know. It is old. It has an intact Christian Hacker stove unit. It was purchased in San Francisco. Some of it has been garrishly restored. It was sold with an amazing collection of Tynietoy furniture. I could afford one or the other and chose the house.
I only thought to order our friend Swantje Koehler's book last week from her, and she tells me takes 4 weeks to arrive! (I wanted it signed) So if you have it and you can shed any light on this house, help me along.
This house has a great cast of characters who are called... what else, the Hacker Family. Join me as I present it to you this month, it represents life in the early 1800's in Germany.
We join them in 1810 when the French Revolution has ended and Napoleon rules France. The Napoleonic Wars have begun in Europe as a shifting alliance of European powers needle France. Germany is a Federation of states. We approach the Hacker home through streets lit with the new gas lamps. In the Hacker house the family is prosperous and happy. Come inside with me.
Thank you for inviting me in :-) I'm a bit curious to see the interior since I like that period, at least I prefer it to the styles that came soon after.
It is funny Pubdoll, but most of my suitable antiques are American!I will need your opinion on my attempts at recreating the past. I only have one Schneegas piece and it is a bar table! So at least they can drink! Cheers, and I mean that CM
I like the pic with open door. It is a bit of a mystery in there. It is a bit of a mystery. I am very curious what will happen.
Yes! Let us see the inside! It looks like a dracula house.....
What a lovely welcome! I look forward to meeting the people who live here :-)
Lisa the architecture IS old. There are more examples in the next post. CM
Germany in 1810 - cool. I like your house and anything you posted... but unfortunately i can´t tell you anything about the house. I think it was a good idea to order Swantje Köhlers book!
I´m looking forward to the german april here at your blog :)
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