My thought of exploring one of my dollhouses a month has worked out well for me and the Colonial dollhouse.
It was found by the curb 15 years ago. I haven't paid much attention to it recently, so this was a good idea.
I cleaned it, glued broken chairs and even put murals in the livingroom and one bedroom.
As March ends we find George and Thaddeus ready to leave New York.
The family they are staying with is throwing a Ball on their last night.

Girls were allowed to attend beginning at age 13. If you were not married by 25 you were considered a failure.
Abigail, wearing red toile is enjoying her first Ball.
It is 1790.

The men were discussing the French Revolution and the recent death of Ben Franklin.
Everyone knew the French would never hurt their King or Queen...
George was planning to move the Capitol of the new country from New York to the banks of the Potomac River. He tired of hearing New Yorkers complain about the change.
The violinist was in love with the harpist. (She is a widow) But then so is the piano player. Widows were expected to be married by one year after their spouse's death.

The newly married women wore their wedding gowns for one year after getting married.
It was a very festive evening but George and Thaddeus were ready to return to their prospective homes.
Thaddeus had orders to remember everything about the fashions of New York to tell the women in his family when he returned.